Home PageBirds of Devon and Cornwall Blue Tits  

Latin name - Cyanistes caeruleus

Another favourite bird of garden bird watchers with its acrobatic behaviour whilst on peanut feeders and garden trees. Both sexes are a colourful mix of blue, yellow, white and green, with blue wings, tail and crown, yellow under-parts, white cheeks and a greenish back. They also have a black eye stripe and white wing bars. The young are duller than the adults with a green crown, wings and tail, and yellow cheeks. Originally a woodland bird, it has adapted to most places with trees and bushes and has become a common garden bird which will readily nest in nest boxes or any other available hole including a letter box!

Blue Tit, Dartmoor Blue Tit, Burrator, Dartmoor Blue Tit, Burrator, Dartmoor Blue Tit, Burrator, Dartmoor Blue Tit - Burrator Blue Tit - Burrator
Blue Tit - Burrator Blue Tit - Burrator Blue Tit Blue Tit